Thursday, 5 May 2016

Final reflection

After working hard during several months with the ICT it is time to say good bye. We have learnt a lot about online tools, disseminating, content curation, augmented reality and so on.

In order to recap all the learning process and highlight all the relevant aspects that took place during the subject I created a presentation with, is an online tool that allows you to upload any presentation and add audio or video at the same time. It is quite easy to follow, as you can record your audio / video in time and publish it on any social networks.

At the beginning of this activity I decide to carry it out with Genially as the presentation and recording my own screen while I explain the details with ScreenCast o matic. I had some logistic problems with Genially and I eventually used instead. Anyway, I learnty how to use Creencast o matic and it was good experience.

 Here you can see the presentation:

As I said in the presentation some of the things I really enjoyed were the video introduction, the Chocotalk and the augmented reality topic which completely caught  my attention.

I hope to keep on working and learning about ICT and I will try to post all my progress and discoveries.

See you soon!! 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Rubric to assess an e-project

Assessment is one of the most important aspects of teaching and it is the only way to clarify wheter thing are going well in class or not. We can evaluate children knowledge, skills or competences regarding a specific subject, we can evaluate ourselves as teachers, materials, resources, environment ...etc. There are so many factors that influence education and they must be constantly checked out in order to improve and offer a high quality teaching.

Perhaps, the essential assessment is the one that happens in class and verify if students have learnt and progressed accros the term or year. There are different ways to assess children work and competence. It is said that technically speaking evaluation has to do with a summative assessment as the teacher evaluate the results after the learning process takes place. Meanwhile, the formative assessment focuses on the learning process and the main objective is to provide constant feedback in order to help the students develop their skills and correct any mistakes.

Apart from this, we should talk about rubrics. Rubric are a fantastic a resource hat can be implemented both during or after the learning process. They consist of charts that is divided into different parts, each of them describe a different specific aspect in  which we can grade or give a mark no matter the rest of aspects shown. Then, we can prepare a clear and neat structure to evaluate a worksheet, project or presentation as regards several aspects whic have to with the whole work. We provide students with a more complete assessment and more fair as they see how they did it weel in certain aspects but they might improve in some others.

The goal of this challenge was to create a rubric that can be followed in order to assess my own project. There are several tools which offer attractive and complete rubrics to customize as you wish. QuickRubric for instance, is a awesome tool that allows us to create complex rubrics easily and quickly.

However, I decided to create a CoRubric with Google Drive. A CoRubric is perfect for peer feedback and make students participate on the assessment part. They can chose a partner or it might be already arranged by the teacher, and they evaluate their classmates work by following the rubric aspects.

The steps to create a CoRubric as I did are really clear in this presentation made by Rosa Liarte:

Then, once I followed the steps I created this Rubric:

The rubric is sent to all the students, who in this case were my Master classmates as a experiment to see it works properly. All the students receive a form like this:

Then, once everybody has evaluated at least one partner the teacher check the results and take them into accont for oncoming activities. In this case, I received eight peer fedbacks and the results appeared like this:

At first it could seem a little bit misleading but then it is easy to understand. If one aspect has a mark and the rest aspects do not show anything it means that these next aspects have the same mark. It will change when a new mark appears in any of the aspects, then the process starts again.


Friday, 22 April 2016

What type of reader am I?

During our lives we could have read hundreds of books. They offer us fantastic stories, useful information or new ways to perceive the world. We learn from the stories because they give us experience regarding a specific situation. We acquire knowledge about any subject and this knowledge broaden our mind.

I would like to take advantage of this World Book Day which is quite close and I will show what type of reader I am and what are the books that have most influenced on my life.

Here you can see this collage which summarizes the main ideas of my reading experience and my tastes:

  However, that´s not all. There is something else hidden behind the image. You have the chance to see it if you follow this basic steps:

- Download Aurasma in your mobile phone. If you don´t know what Aurasma is then you can clic on this link to another entry of this blog where it is well explained.

- Follow the channel "GuillermoLagarejos", which is my channel.
- Now, if you point the movil camera to the image with the Aurasma App you will enjoy the hidden surprise.

Everything will be clarified then and you will know more about my profile as a reader. If you have any doubt about the Aurasma process or about my reading tastes you can ask me on twitter at GLHmaster.

Apart from this you can also enjoy all the fantastic contributtions of other people to the Pinterest Board of "A Wall of Books". Here you can see how many people share their experience regarding reading and their favourite books.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


The whole group of students who are currently studying a Master in Bilingual Teaching in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos decide to carry out a Chocotalk about CLIL under María Jesús García San Martín supervision.

The students were divided into several groups in order to carry out one cooperative project per group. One or two member s of each group  played the role of speakers and participated in a virtual round table where some relevant aspect related to CLIL were discussed.

The speakers were Ruben Peinado, Alvaro Gómez, Neus Fiol, María Inmaculada Caballero, Patricia Madrueño, María Dolores Barral, Celia González, Laura González and me, Guillermo Lagarejos.

Regarding my group Sara Rodríguez, Teresa Martín and Marina Goizueta did a fantastic job as disseminators and María Collado and Laura Pérez did it aswell as content curators. They all worked hard before, during and after the virtual round table discussion.

Content curation work:

In order to gather all the information that the Chocotalk was spreading my partners used Storify. This is a web tool that allows you to show key details and relevant aspect as if it was a story. It is really easy to use and the tool "makes the web tell a story". They looked for all the important hastags, comments or ideas spreaded around the net related to the virtual discussion. Then the programme puts everthing in order to show a logical sequence of events.

Dissemination work:

My partners made a big effort to boost Chocotalk importance in social networks, they promoted participation in the discussion and they made some people be interested in this event. You can see a great number of the posted entries of my partners and members of other groups.

Slideshow to learn about Aurasma

For this challenge our group has worked with Google Slides, a tool that had been unknown before. The members of the group are Marina Goizueta, Teresa Martín, Laura Pérez, María Collado and me, Guillermo Lagarejos.

Google Slides offers similar possibilities to create a presentation as Power Point. Therefore, the use of this tool was quick and easy.

In this way you can add pictures, videos, links and animations. We used a You Tube video, several links to Aurasma Studio and images to make the explanation easier to understand.

We used this tool to describe how to use Aurasma, a fantastic tool for any educational purpose. Aurasma is a web tool that allows us to create augmented reality from trigger images already labeled by the creator. This tool can be quite simple to enjoy if you follow the steps that we explained in our presentation. In every step we have added screenshoots of the Aurasma webpage so it is easier to follow.

We think that Aurasma is great tool for both teachers and students and make lessons more angaging and motivating, so we really recommend you to try it in the future.

Storyboard and videoclip for a research

In this activity we had to carry out the second part of the cooperative project based on animals topic. The members of the group are Marina Goizueta, Teresa Martín, Laura Pérez, Sara Rodríguez, María Collado and me, Guillero Lagarejos.

This activity is divided into two sub activities: A storyboard to plan a video to carry out a research and the videoclip itself.

To make our Video Planning we used Storyboard That, which is a very simple tool to make comics. It offers a great amount of resources for you to develop your ideas and create stories related to any topic you wish.

Here is the link to the comic:

To design our videoclip for the animals research we used Sony Vegas Pro, an awesome tool that allowes us to create, design, modify any video to make it much more attractive. You can customize any feature and detail related to the video. The only disadvantage could be that it is not a free online tool, but the results are just fantastic.

Furthermore, we published this entry on the ESL Times blog, so we inmidiately became reporters and received a badge.

An infographic about the animals

In this activity we had to work in group to carry out a cooperative project. The following task is one part of the whole project. The members of the group are Marina Goizueta, Teresa Martín, Sara Rodríguez, María Collado and me , Guillermo Lagarejos.

In order to provide students with support to learn the topic of animals we created an infographic. This infographic is compound of five flash cards representing the five animals groups. Moreover, these images have been assigned as trigger images that lead us to further information with augmented reality.

We used Piktochart to create the infographic surface, it is what we can see with our eyes. A great amount of information about the five groups of animals and their main characteristics. But, there is something else hidden in our infographic.

We used Aurasma to create the reality augmentatios. This programme is quite easy to use although viewers need to follow some basic instructions to enjoy the process. These are the steps you should follow in case you want to see what flash cards hide.

  1. Download Aurasma App in your mobile phone.
  2. Follow the channel called "maria92collado".
  3. Once you open the Aurasma App from the phone you will have to point to the trigger images with the mobile camera.
  4. The App will scan the picture and you you will enjoy the animations.

The aim of this infographic is to enhance student learning process and consolidate that knowledge related to animals topic.

As we reached several goals regarding TIC competence we were given an award.

This is our infographic:

Friday, 18 March 2016

My e-project prototype video clip

Hello everybody!

I would like to show you my e-project design. It will be about the animals and it is intended for third graders although it could be adapted to other levels.
The main objective is to use interactive resources such edited videos and online games where children will be encouraged to learn about the topic and be engaged with the classes.
Here you have the e-project outline draft for those who might want to know more about the project:
Moreover, I created a video where I recorded myself in order to show the project and highlight all the attractive aspects of it. I wanted to make a realistic project that could be implemented in a real present class.
This video has helped me to get some more confidence for recording myself and I am sure that I will be prepared for coming flipped classes.
To edit the video I used Sony Vegas Pro. It is a fantastic tool although it is not available a free version.
Here you have the video clip:
Thank you very much,

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Evaluating CLIL e-projects

Hello everybody! In class we did an activity where we had to evaluate a project created by another person.

First off, the project I decided to evaluate is in this link:

This project was created by a webprofile named mthornton and I found out that this person has a lot of other project an educational resources thta might be useful for us. Therefore, here you have the link to his personal profile:

The project I evaluated and the rest of projects that this person had gathered before belong to the same tool: LiveBinders
 This is the link of the tool if you want to have a look and share more educational resources with other teachers and members of the community:

This tool is fantastic to organize your ideas and put them together in order to create a nice product. It is an online public tool so all the resources are available for the rest of people and the exchange of information is constant.

 Regarding my evaluation I decided to use Genially because this tool catched my attention and I wanted to know how to work with it. My first impressions were good as I checked all the possible templates, pictures, effects and animations that the programme offers us.

 Despite all these nice aspects I realized that something that simple as the letter size could not be changed while editing the slides and that is something to improve for the genially staff.
Here is the link to my evaluation:

Anyway, this activity has helped me understand how rubricks work and how to put them into practice. Evaluatiuon is a essential part of education and we as teachers need to master it from the very beginning.
Only by this way we will get a efficient and effective teaching.

Monday, 29 February 2016


Content curation is the process of filtering, selecting and editing information so that it is valuable and useful for and specific purpose. We can use it for learning about a subject topic or for providing students with a range of different locations where to get information from.

I chose Symbaloo to create my personal webmix where I gathered interesting websites and tools regarding CLIL approach or methodology. Symbaloo is quite easy to follow and they give you several ways to edit and present your webmix in an attractive way.

Here is the link to my Symbaloo webmix:


Here you can see six of the pins that I added to the bank of common knowledge called Open CLIL in Pinterest. In this board all the students of this Master in Bilingual Education gather interesting information and useful resources for CLIL. This is the Open CLIL board link:

Here are the six pins URLs:

Effective group work: This is a nice blog where a ICT committed teacher explains how to carry out group work activities successfully.

Phonics: Fun video that makes a difficult issue simple and easy to understand. How two-consecutive-vowel words are pronounced? Here you can see it.

Job virtual games: Good website where children can get closer to the proffesions they are interest in. They can check if they really like that job or not. Perhaps they could find their vocational job that soon!

Edpuzzle: Fantastic tool that let teachers edit and modify videos so that they can be followed easily. Moreover, teachers might add questions during the video and check whether the students have understood the content or not.

Blended learning: Javier Touron brings us a neat outline about what blended learning is. Something to take into account by teachers.

Seterra online: A wonderful website where students can play different game styles in order to challenge their knowledge about geography.


During this course I learnt how to add a creative commons license for my blog and the different license versions.

Here is my blog license link:

I decided to add a license which allows anybody to freely adapt or modify the material I created with any purpose, even commercial purposes. My blog is available for everybody, therefore I know that somebody could find some of my posted materials useful. The fact of reflecting on what I am saying or showing and adpating it to one´s perspective is honourable.

However, using the material I created on my own requires a fair acknowledgment as credit the copyright holder of the work. If somebody uses my work then they will need to attribute it to me by providing my name and the material link where they took it. Moreover, my blog does not allow anybody to use my personal material for commercial purposes. That is, my work is created to be shared with everybody, but this material will not help anybody to earn money.

Regarding Creative Commons material in class with children it is important to know how to tackle this issue and teach students how to use it. Children need to know that creativity in unvaluable and that everybody must create their own materials. Sharing information and perspectives is fantastic but we should not forget who is the owner of the information we might be working on.

Monday, 15 February 2016


Twitter is a well-known tool that thousands of millions of people use everyday. Regarding education Twitter is wonderful because so many teachers, students, and any memeber of the community can share what they know and what they do at once.
Anybody can show new ideas, techniques, resources, tools, perspectives and so on that could be helpful for another teacher/ student really far awway.

From my own experience I must say that Twitter is a good tool to keep up to date in terms of education. The more you share with the rest the more you receive.

Here is my Twitter handle for those who want to follow me and know about the latest innovative resources in education.

@GLHmaster in

Here you can have a look at one of my tweets. In this case I am talking about CLIL, a fantastic educational approach and methodology that bilingual schools follow nowadays.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


The PLE (Personal Learning Environment) and PLN (Personal Learning Network) is fantastic way to organize clearly what you know about any topic, which source you used (PLE) and where you shared what you know with other people (PLN). It is a metacongnitive activity that can lead you to knowledge development on the specific area you are working on.

When I was in the Master classclass I had enough time to see all the the different suggested mindmap tools. I found some of them which were fantastic like Popplet or Creative Multimedia Outlines. However, at the end, I decided to use Coggle because it is a decent tool that give us the opportunity to create an attractive and serious diagram. Moreover, Coggle provide us with different ways to share our artifact like using the link or dowloading the diagram in both PDF or PNG format. And what is more, the diagram can be developed by more than one person at the same time, so it is perfect for group work because people can interact each other with their colleagues while they all see a live diagram.
Regarding my PLE and PLN I have to say that I took  also into account the Bachelor´s Degree last year and Master´s one.  Fortunately I could learn a lot about CLIL before starting the Master, so I have been able to increase my knowledge about the topic focusing on some terms which were not as important before.
Furthermore, apart from classes, last year I had the chance to develope a deeper knowledege about CLIL as I carried out the TFG about this topic precisely. Then, it played a big role in my PLE and PLN.
I did not want to forget about the scholar intership periods I had during the degree. They were really important for me beacuse I was in three different bilingual primary schools and I could put into practice what I had learnt about CLIL beforehand.
In logistic terms, I must say that the decision of not adding picture into the diagram was personal although you might disagree. However, I think that there is to much information and that adding images will make the diagram be over the top and hard to follow.

Sunday, 7 February 2016


A first step to get into the ICT world is making an introduction of yourself, and a video is possibly the best option to share all the information you want the rest to know.

Regarding my personal introduction I chose Pow Toon to make my create an attractive video where I could show some interesting things about me. Pow Toon is a web tool that provide us with a lot of resources and different ways to convey the same message.
You can use images, music, videos and attractive animations. Moreover,  you have several templates which adapt perfectly to the presentation style you want to show.
Although it could seem too sophisticated it is actually really easy to follow and you constantly receive tips, clues and tutorials to make the presentation exactly as you imagined before.
Apart from logistics, Pow Toon allowes us to export the video to either You Tube or Vimeo, great platforms for publishing any video.
To summarize, I recommend you to use this tool as soon as you have the chance to show something important to relatives, friends, colleagues or students.

Here is the link:


This section will deal with digital tools and resources that we could use for any purpose and that might be useful. I will add new tools as I know them and use them so that I can give you my own impressions.

Saturday, 6 February 2016


In education, a portfolio can be cretaed by both teachers and students. It contains a compilation of one´s academic work, the learning progress, teaching quality and academic achievement. It must also show one´s reflection on their work and a self-assessment. Thanks to the portfolio a student think of their strengths and weaknesses regarding any issue and they can develope a higher knowledge on it. Moreover, teachers can use student´s portfolio in order to monitor in a more accurant way the learning process and provide individualized lessons. In my case, this portfolio bring me the chance to reflect on my ICT competence regarding teaching. I will use this blog to show my learning progress while I am taking a Master in Bilingua Education, specially all the features that connect education with technology. In case you want to know more about portfolio regarding education here is alink where you will find a bunch of information.

Friday, 5 February 2016


My name is Guillermo Lagarejos, I am 22 years old and I am taking a Master in Bilingual Education at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and I would like to show my learning progress in this portfolio. I finished my Bachelor´s Degree in Primary Education Teaching in 2015 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I love teaching and I do belive this blog will let me improve in several aspects by reflecting on my personal performance and by gathering useful information about education that I find interesting.

For those who want to know more about me here is a link of my personal homepage with specific information about me.

 Do not hesitate to follow me on Twitter for receiving the latest news about teaching.